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  1. ƒëlïx ruvërïs
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    The Plague

    INFO: Primo episodio della seconda serie. È stato diretto da Fred Gerber e scritto da Laurie McCarthy. Andato in onda per la prima volta il 2 ottobre 2014. // First episode of the second season. It is directed by Fred Gerber and written by Laurie McCarthy. First aired on October 2, 2014.

    TRAMA: Il nuovo re e la nuova regina di Francia, Francesco e Maria, sono gettati nel caos dopo che la peste nera ha sferzato il paese e si insinua nel castello, minacciando le vite e la stabilità del loro nuovo regno. Francesco si ritrova sul lato sbagliato delle porte del castello in quarantena, con Lola, quando tentano di ritornare in un luogo sicuro. Nuovi e sanguinari nemici vengono introdotti mentre la nobilità tenta di guardagnare potere, mettendo sotto pressione Maria -e Caterina- anche quando sale il conto delle morti. Intanto Kenna e Bash sono separati; la vita di Kenna è messa a rischio quando gioca il tutto per tutto per salvare il proprio pupillo. Greer è costretta a guardare Leith lasciarsi alle spalle il passato con un nuovo amore ed è scioccata nel realizzare che è coinvolto con la figlia del proprio promesso. // PLAGUE ROCKS THE KINGDOM – The new King and Queen of France, Francis (Toby Regbo) and Mary (Adelaide Kane) are plummeted into chaos after the Black Plague ravages the land and creeps inside the castle, threatening lives and the stability of their new rule. Francis finds himself on the wrong side of the quarantined gates, with Lola (Anna Popplewell), as they try to make their way back to safety. New and murderous foes are introduced as nobles grasp for power, pressuring Mary — and Catherine (Megan Follows) — even as the death count rises. Meanwhile, Kenna (Caitlin Stasey) and Bash (Torrance Coombs) find themselves separated; Kenna’s life endangered as she risks all to save their young ward. Greer (Celina Sinden) is forced to watch Leith (Jonathan Keltz) move on with a new love and is shocked to realize he’s involved with her fiance’s daughter.

  2. ƒëlïx ruvërïs
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    Le still dell'episodio. // Episode's stills.

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  3. ƒëlïx ruvërïs
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    Nuovo trailer. // New trailer.

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    Una clip dall'episodio. // A clip.

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    Nuova clip. // New clip.

  6. ƒëlïx ruvërïs
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    Spoilers sull'episodio. // Episode's spoilers.

    So, what has been teased about the upcoming season? You can always get a full run down on the spoilers for Reign on SpoilerTv here. But some of the highlights are that we will see the plague devastate France. It will have victims and will have other repercussions such as famine. Lola and her baby will survive and come to court. There will be a LOT of sex. Mary and Francis will experience growing pains in ruling as the nobility jockey for favor and influence over them. The lack of an heir will continue to be an issue.

    Jonathan Keltz is now a series regular, and Leith and Francis’ friendship will grow. Francis and Bash will grow closer again in the coming season as well. Sean Teale also joins the cast as a regular as Conde, Prince of the Blood. Rossif Sutherland returns as a recurring character and Rose Williams joins the cast in the recurring role of Princess Claude, Francis’ younger sister, who lives to torment Catherine. Also returning as recurring are Michael Therriault, Sarah Winter, and Lucius Hoyos. Further additions to the recurring cast are Craig Parker as Narcisse and Camille Stopps as Estelle. Narcisse is linked to Catherine as a “sparring” partner. The only information so far on Estelle is a tweet from Stopps that Estelle will provide a new perspective on the world of the show. No word yet on whether Anna Walton, Gil Darnell or Giacomo Gianniotti (Lord Julien/Remy) will be back. Personally, I’d love to see Tahmoh Penikett return as Mary’s barely controllable mercenary, John.


    The Black Plague is a blind killer. It also does not help that there are those who might seek to use the convenient excuse of a plague to eliminate their enemies. Just who might be so ruthless and heartless to take advantage of the chaos and confusion to kill off someone who has been plaguing them personally? Such a villain is revealed and Mary is challenged to acquiesce to this diabolical plan or suffer the adverse consequences of not aligning with a very powerful political ally.

    While Mary is placed in a position of peril and subject to extortion on the very first day she wears the French crown, Francis is having to make his own life and death decisions out of fear that he could lose his first child. As if outracing a plague were not enough, Francis also has to weigh the options of whether it is wiser and safer for Lola and the child if he can smuggle them out of France and out of harm’s way. The temptation is great and Francis struggles to weigh his personal desires against the better interests of his country. Will the child ensure an heir to the throne or will it be a constant threat to the throne? It is a heavy burden for a child to bear.

    Mary and Francis are not the only ones torn and tormented during the outbreak, Bash and Kenna find themselves separated and tested as the plague circles closer and closer upon them. Then Greer and Leith (Jonathan Keltz) also discover that they may soon be linked by marriage if Leith continues his pursuit of Lord Castleroy’s daughter, Yvette (Sarah Winter). It is a position that they both find too close for comfort and Greer pleads with Leith to find another way to achieve his happiness in fortune for she fears she is not strong enough if faced with such close temptation.

    Not to be left out of the drama, Nostradamus (Rossif Sutherland) chivalrously volunteers to put himself in harm’s way, believing himself to be immune to the Black Plague, and then does something that will continue to haunt him perhaps for the remainder of his days on Earth.


    “There is a connection between Francis and Lola, and he has to have a civil relationship with her, but he’s determined to show Mary that he cares about their relationship more than anything — and he does that through sex,” Toby Regbo says. “He just throws sex at his problems until they go away.”

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    Nuova foto dal set. // New set-picture.


  8. ƒëlïx ruvërïs
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    Nuova clip. // New clip.
  9. Filippa Lillonza II
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    Ho deciso di commentare perchè al momento non so cosa fare e la testa mi sta esplodendo mentre conto le cose che mi mancano da fare per l'esame. Sono noiosa lo so, ma era anche per rallegrare questo topic, così spoglio di commenti. perchè tanto io so che lo guardate anche voi tsk

    Vidi l'ep ancora la scorsa settimana, ma penso di ricordare le parti essenziali. Per lo meno ci provo.

    La meno peggio, per me, è stata Mary. La scena finale non mi è dispiaciuta, se proprio devo essere onesta. Secondo me come pg da il meglio di sè quando è in conflitto con Caterina. Per il resto del tempo potrebbe anche non esistere e nessuno se ne dispiacerebbe.

    Ma veniamo alla vera protagonista della puntata, ovvero la peste. E vi dico subito che, per come l'avevo vista io la situazione, li davo già tutti per spacciati. Si dice di fare attenzione, e la gente bomba, beve dagli stessi bicchieri, intrattiene un'elevata vita sociale con quindici pustole sul collo. Insomma, li vedevo davvero male.
    Anche perchè avete mai visto dei sovrani che durante un'epidemia raccolgono tutta la popolazione nel proprio palazzo? Cioè, cari amici di Reign, parliamo di EPIDEMIA e non di CARESTIA.

    Ma non è tutto. Manca la ciliegina sulla torta, il pezzo forte. Francis e Lola.
    ALLORA prima di tutto ringraziamo anche qui che a dirigere la baracca non sia Martin, altrimenti pargolo, reuccio e troiottola sarebbero morti in quella casetta dispersa dopo aver condiviso la casa per 2 giorni con un appestato.
    Cosa si può dire di loro? Che sembrano me quando alla mattina sono indecisa se mettermi i pantaloni neri o i jeans. Le loro battute erano pressapoco così "no ma lo tengo il bambino" "anzi no, perchè c'è Mary" "no ma Mary si attacca al tram, perchè vi amo" e bla bla bla.
    E io così
8 replies since 11/9/2014, 10:27   108 views